R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l


"Schloßberg Stüble"


(Faller 130391)




8.1 - The idea



In view of the Rheinstrecke, I ordered Faller's Schlossberg Stüble, which would take its place on the hill to the left above the tunnel portals.

It was clear to me from the start that this building would not have orange roof tiles but a thatched i.e. straw roofing.
With the positive experience with the Hallenhaus, nothing stood in the way of me turning this building into something beautiful in a way that has not yet been found on any model railway.



8.2 - Previously...


Upon further investigation and looking at different images in the manual (the lack of timber framing),

I discovered that Faller previously released this model under number 130355, under the name "Schönblick Castle".


Faller 130355 ~ Burg Schönblick



8.3 - Schloßberg Stüble in 2023 

Now, I seem to have purchased an upgraded version. Two frames of lovely lasercut woodwork was added to this kit.

However, let's start with unpacking and unboxing...








8.4 - Painting and Patinierung


Needless to say, all parts of each construction kit have their own, usually different color.



With the experience of Bran Castle, I thought it appropriate

to also make the brickwork visible in a different color due to crumbling plasterwork.
In this more or less dated construction kit, the masonry is less pronounced than in Schloss Bran. 




I think the 'white' window frames against a white stucco background are a bit too feminine.

I therefore opt for black cast iron windows. This looks better in the end result!





8.5 - Construction






Lighting via a micro-cable bulb (Faller 180677).



8.6 - Reeting the Roof


As mentioned earlier, I opt for a thatched roof.

To prevent Faller's orange from showing through unexpectedly, I prime the roof with olive brown.








A perfect and seamless connection between the thatched roof and the stone tower. The color scheme couldn't be better!







Frits Osterthun © 20.12.2023

Last update: 10.1.2024