R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l



5.4 ~ I n t o  t h e  W i l d

(May/June 2020)


On Saturday June 6th, my friend brought me some stuff I ordered, among which was a set with boars and roebock (Merten 2414)



Today, I took some time in the afternoon and evening to paint the boar and roebucks, but not after I had thoroughly studied some pictures of both animals.








Wild boars are characterized by their tusks. A layer of lasur and dry white will follow...


Then there is the roe deer or roe buck.

The roebuck turned an orange-brown colour in which I mixed amaranth red. 




The left one clearly shows the rump patch. It's a female, since antlers are missing.

Rump patches differ between the sexes, with the white rump patches heart-shaped on females and kidney-shaped on males.



Here they go, great and small...



The next morning (June 11th), I repainted the piglets with real yellow and brown stripes.  

The six boars got there "grey snout" (a spot reaching from above their eyes to their snout) and a light topping of dry white on their fur



So many colours on such a 'small' animal.





If you didn't know better, you might imagine yourself on De Hoge Veluwe National Park.


Frits Osterthun © 26.7.2020

Last updater: 24.1.2023