R e n o v a t i o n  J o u r n a l



6.2 ~ F o r e s t  n e a r  t h e  P a r a d e s t r e c k e

(August 2020)


The next days (4-16 August), I spend time on new trees. The procedure of preparing them took some time.

Twenty times 30 minutes or so... but the result is rewarding.


Now, the front part of the layout - viz. the 'Paradestrecke' and adjacent hill side - needs attention.

I had in mind to have some groups of trees on the slope, but this has at least one very tricky quality: they might block the view of the station.

On the other hand, I want a separation between front and middle section,

since during the renovation process I discovered that by using a strip of trees,

the distance between two nearby sites is sort of 'enlarged' and they become two separate worlds.


So, on August 5th I started with just some trees (not fixed yet) to 'experience' the effect on the whole.




It worked out fine, so I decided that there should come a fir tree forest anyhow.

With some restraint I started this project, not knowing that it would seem to be the right choice in the end!

Well, enough philosophized! Let's see some results!




In the mean time I worked on two spots where wild grass would come, both at landmark 9/7...


...and near the main platform. I thought this gravel bed too dry in the midday sun, so a strip of grass is just fine to me (10/8).



At the very right end, I also started planting trees. Again, here too I must be careful not to lose sight of the track (14/8).


The Württ. AD 1521 gives a fine match to the tree-ish surroundings.



The forest grows from 5 to a bunch of 18...

The next day, I worked on the connection between forest and track. Grass indeed, what else... 


In this perspective you can see how the tracks of the rail yard are enfolded by two 'hedges' of vegetation.





Vistas (a long, narrow view as between rows of trees or buildings) are important, since they provide both depth and airiness. 



Now here's one vista...


... and here's another one, seen from above... 



... and from below.



 I ended up planting two more deciduous trees among these pines, both for filling and variety.

At the same time, they also give some depth of perspective to the forest as a whole.




I admit that the result even amazes me. 'Be careful what you wish for...!' we tend to sing.

Well, I guess it's almost a plus-quam-perfectum....




Frits Osterthun © 30.8.2020

Last update: 25.1.2023